Persecutors as Protectors Part 5

In the first four videos of this series, I talked about the possible motivations driving your protector parts that seem to imitate your abusers. Their intentions are good but the ways they put those intentions into action are misguided and certainly aren’t experienced by you as being well-intentioned.

Okay, you say, I can see how that might have helped while I was a kid, but I’m an adult now. How is this alter supposed to be helping me now? And that’s a really good question! The answer is that while you are an adult, it is highly likely that your protector parts are not. They are likely still operating from the belief that you are still a child living in that traumatic place. You have grown up, but they are still living in the past and experiencing it as real. While you may understand that your abusers can no longer hurt you, your younger protector parts don’t know this. They see you taking risks that are going to get you hurt and so they are working overtime trying to stop you and protect you. And when you ignore them, they do the only thing they know how to do: double down on the abuse and meanness. Remember, it’s the only way they know to be at this point.

So what do you think about your protector parts after watching this series? Leave a comment below and I will respond. I hope this series has helped you understand your protector parts better. And even though you very understandably do not like the ways in which they are trying to help, I hope you are able to begin to appreciate that they do want to help. It will be up to you to teach those alters how they can help you more effectively, and that is something that we address over at CommuniDID.

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