Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is frequently misdiagnosed as schizophrenia. One reason for this is that some mental health professionals continue to refuse to accept that DID is a real condition...
If you are a survivor of extended childhood trauma, you learned to maximize your safety through certain behaviors. You might have learned: You likely even believed that you deserved to be treated so...
Dissociation is something of a confusing topic. Like many things, dissociation can happen across a spectrum. Not all dissociation is abnormal, pathological, or something to worry about. In fact...
A common question is “Does DID ever go away?” I think the answer depends on how you define “go away.” If a person’s definition of “go away” is to no longer have alters, then, yes. DID systems can...
Any number of things can be triggers, from things like smells to anniversaries. Janina Fisher, in her workbook Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma, specifies seven things as “huge” triggers for...
A very famous psychologist, the developer of REBT therapy, Albert Ellis, had some thoughts about the word “should.” Ellis had the salty mouth of a sailor and thought nothing of dropping F bombs back...
The length of time may vary, but it’s important to understand that a prolonged period of therapy, in terms of years, with little to show for it is something to pay attention to. This is especially...
What I’m going to talk about today is super important. It’s one of two fundamentals that can keep you stuck and unable to move forward in your recovery if you don’t understand and accept it. I’ll...