Persecutors as Protectors Part 3

In this series, I’ve been sharing different ways perpetrator-imitating alters may be attempting to help even though you may not be experiencing it as helpful. Today, I want to talk about how these...

Angry Alters: Why It Matters

I recently talked about some important reasons members of your system might be angry with you. You might think “so what?” if they are angry. That’s what I want to talk about today. Why It Matters The...

Persecutors as Protectors: Part 2

The vast majority of people who have DID had childhoods full of horrific and inescapable trauma. For these children safety just didn’t exist or it was fleeting and temporary. As I have discussed...

Losing Time

If you have DID, you’ve probably experienced lost time. That is, there may be periods of time in your normal life that you have zero recollection of. It might be minutes, hours, or even multiple days...

Persecutors as Protectors, Part 1

A New Way of Thinking In the past, some alters were called “persecutors” or persecutory alters. This is now an outdated term. We now prefer to call these alters “perpetrator-imitating parts,” which is...

Your Alters Might be Mad at You!

Did you know your alters might be mad at you even if you think you have done nothing that should have angered them? Let’s take a look at five possible reasons. Now let’s look at it from their...

Dissociation Without Memory Loss

I talked in a previous video about what dissociation is and how it is losing contact with the present moment in some way. It’s not always the case that dissociation leads to amnesia, such as when one...

Stuck in Trauma Time

Some members of a dissociative identity system are stuck in trauma time. This means they are experiencing old traumas of the past as if they are still happening right now. This is a horrific...

Are You an Alter?

If you are new to your realization of having DID, what I’m going to talk about today might be difficult to hear: You are an alter and not any more valid or “real” than the other alters in your system...